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Ben Turner


Ben Turner is a Designer and creative builder with an interest in interactive habitats and climbing structures inspired by nature.  He draws from his experience as a dancer to understand ways that a physical space can encourage play, movement, and spatial exploration - as well as imaginative play - for both children and adults. Benjamin is familiar with a wide range of building techniques and materials, including rustic woodworking, finish carpentry, metal fabrication, acrylics, laser-cutting and CNC machining, and finishing.  

For the past 10 years, Ben has been working as a Designer and Project Manager at One Hat One Hand in San Francisco has given him far-reaching experience managing custom architectural installations for clients like Google, Facebook, Apple, Yahoo, SFO International Airport, Lucasfilms, NBC, Youtube, Twitter, OutsideLands, Treasure Island Music Festival, and many others. Ben has a B.A. in Playground Design for Adults from Hampshire College, which has since been applied through various sculptural and interactive art installations along the west coast.

Ben Turner
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